Brothers Jim and Steve Powers started making movies together when they were six years old. They grew up on and behind the camera, and created West Field Films, a complete film production company in 2004. Since then the company has expanded, adding the web and television commercial production sister comapny West Field Production Co. in 2010, and establishing the now internationally renowned West Field Screenwriting Awards in 2011.
Why call it West Field?
Jim and Steve grew up on and behind the camera in the fields and dirt roads of an old farm. A hundred acres was their backlot and the woods, swamps, and streams as their sets with Mom and Dad as 'craft services'. Many of the movies they made as kids were shot in the part of the farm know to the Powers' Family as the 'West Field'. So it only seemed fitting that the place that started them off should become the namesake.
Jim Powers and Steve Powers
The Powers Brothers on set.
Behind the scenes of one of the early movies"The Black Hand Gang" 2002. Second from the left is a young John Stegemann, Production Designer and long time Producer. Center Middle is Steve Powers, and in back is Jim Powers.
What it 'is'
West Field Films, LLC is a three pillared production company focusing on Narrative Film Production, Commercial Media and Brand Film Production, and curating the internationally acclaimed West Field Screenwriting Awards.